Zimsec was never prepared to run 2020 examinations

PTUZ President, Dr. Takavafira Zhou,
By Takavafira Zhou
The myriads of schoolboy blunders exhibited by Zimsec this year are a clear indicator to effect that the examination board was never ready to conduct examinations this year.
The errors on registration of candidates, candidates entry for subjects never registered for, disparities between indications on candidates entries and actual examination dates; the inadequate packages of exam papers or missing examination material and mixing of examination papers as in the case of ‘O’ level geography paper 1 and paper 2; virtually absence of braille question papers; total failure to deliver examination papers in time and midnight writing of examination papers; lackadaisical printing of exam papers and rampant leakages in English and Mathematics papers, among many challenges, are clear indicators of Zimsec shambolic preparations for managing examinations in 2020.
Impeccable sources at Zimsec are indicating that professionals at Zimsec had preferred conducting examinations from beginning of February 2021 to Mid-March but insanity prevailed over good reason. It would seem political expediency ultimately triumped over reason with the consequent worst management of examinations in Zimbabwe. As such, enunciation to the readiness of Zimsec to conduct examinations was nothing more than mere grandstanding.
The credibility of examinations is dependent on efficient and effective management of examinations. Unless professional decisions are taken to foster sanity at Zimsec, the credibility of our examinations may be totally destroyed. Hope Zimsec would take corrective measures as a matter of urgency. It remains to be seen how Zimsec would manage the marking of examinations, and if the casual approach is taken, the process may suffer a stillbirth.
—Dr Takavafira M. Zhou is the President PTUZ