ED urged to humble himself and engage Chamisa on the way forward

Nelson Chamisa and Emmerson Mnangagwa
THE situation in which Zimbabwe finds itself is very bad to say the least, as this reminds the citizens of the 2008 hyper-inflationary era.
Already signs of hyperinflation and disorder are clearly visible. It now demands a cool head and humility, especially on the part of President Emmerson Mnangagwa, who has everything to lose if he fails to deliver on the promises he made on assumption of office.
He could have made the situation a lot better had he been sincere in his engagement and re-engagement efforts, but he has failed Zimbabweans.
I see nothing wrong in Mnangagwa humbling himself and getting MDC Alliance leader Nelson Chamisa to the negotiating table to iron out their differences before the situation goes out of hand.
Remember, Chamisa has nothing to lose in this as he will always find pleasure in reminding the electorate about the failures of the Zanu PF-led government.
Mnangagwa must do some soul-searching and take a look at the people surrounding him and see if they are giving him sound advice.
Already the writing is on the wall that the future will be gloomy. If the situation is not corrected right now, there is going to be a lot of suffering among people. At the present moment, there is no hope that Zimbabweans will be able to own assets given the dire economic situation we are mire in. Something needs to be done.
– Mai Ruru