Mambo’s Chicken slated for sexually suggestive language in its adverts

A local fast-food eatery, Mambo’s Chicken has come under fire for using ‘sexually suggestive language’ in its adverts.
NewZWiere columnist, Milayo Ndou, says Mambo’s ‘dirty’ ads are a symptom of broader societal attitudes that buttress male sexual entitlement at women’s expense. Ndou says is known that Mambo’s Chicken is very creative adding:
The problem is that Mambo’s Chicken seems to more frequently jack news that is of a salacious and sexually-explicit nature. The kind of gossipy and sexualised social media content that Mambo’s Chicken builds its adverts around ensures that it delivers lewd jokes in coded language that reinforce attitudes of entitlement.
One of Mambo’s Chicken’s adverts read:
Kana akutengera Mambo’s ngaapinde hake amana loosely translated “if he has bought you Mambo’s chicken, let him enter.”
In response, a local agripreneur Kuda Musasiwa who was also a campaign manager for advocate Fadzayi Mahere in 2018 said the advert had sexual connotations. He said:
This mambo ad translated: If a man buys you mambos chicken you must let him have sex with you. unfortunate messaging here to the “Girl Child”
Commenting on a newZWire article, Thandekile Moyo @Mamoxn said the adverts were derogatory. Said Moyo:
It’s not sex that Mambos is selling, It’s SEXISM. Their adverts disrespect women & portray women as “the weaker sex”, As objects of men’s satisfaction. They’re also clear in their advertising their target is men, As their “jokes” are always about men getting some.
Another commentator using the name Chichilo @chiedza23 criticised Mambo’s Chicken. Said Chichilo:
“Mambo’s Chicken reflects the language of sexual predators – and emboldens them” their adverts are in poor taste. One wonders if there are women working at that company and what it says about them.
There are some who feel that there is nothing wrong with the adverts and there include Tafara Moyo @bloggerguides who responded to Thandekile Moyo @Mamoxn saying:
How you interpret Mambos Ads says a lot about you. Than they do about their ads. If the only Ngaapinde amana or their Big Breasts Big Thighs ads mean sex then you have a dirty mind. I mean who doesn’t know chickens have breasts and thighs. We grew up knowing chidya ndechababa.
Freedom Maziriri’s Mambo’s Chicken is well-known for effectively using edgy and witty adverts based on the current trends and sometimes they go as far as taking a jibe at anyone who will be trending at that particular point in time. The marketing tactic is called newsjacking.