Greedy, hypocrisy and lack of principles destroyed Zimbabwe
Are these two chaps Nelson Chamisa and President Emmerson Mnangagwa in the same WhatsApp group

Nelson Chamisa and Emmerson Mnangagwa
By Mukoma Benji
More than 80 percent of current crisis are a direct reflection of our behavior and attitude as Zimbabweans.
It’s not about the system failing us but it is all about our attitude. If you want to define a Zimbabwean properly just say it in these words.
A Zimbabwean is a person who can defend or justify any wrong actions as long he/she believes there is a possibility of self benefit in the set up.
This is something found in all Zimbabweans across the political divide.
Having analyzed that as much as we need to move forward without great mindset shifting we will suffer until we die. I need to put perfect examples of how we lack principles and we don’t qualify to call ourselves people of integrity. I know a lot are going to argue on this but if you are not biased do a self introspection on yourself and you will agree on this.
My first example will start with the general public that justify corrupt activities done by them but they wish to have a corrupt free government and judging by that only will define what kind of people we are. It is only amongst Zimbabweans were an honest person will be referred as mutengesi. At different workplaces where there is syndicate of benefitting from corrupt activities in short kuba that Zimbabwean who will refuse to do so will be referred as mutengesi and its very sad.
We later come and make noise for the government officials stealing because it’s no longer us stealing. It’s so pathetic and with that behavior we won’t build a great nation that we all wish for.
We then have politicians who are the masters of hypocrisy and can defend any wrong doing once they are beneficiaries of the system that doing things in a wrong way. Here I am going to openly expose hypocrisy in ruling party and opposition at the same time.
I will start with hypocrisy in the ruling party.In the ruling party there is a lot of unprincipled comrades who knows where the ruling party Zanu pf is getting it wrong but they are the same people who will support and defeat the wrong doings because they believe opposing what is wrong will take the privileges of self benefitting.
If you want to be honest with yourself check how many people celebrated the sacking of ED as vice president by RG Mugabe. Some even accused ED of having contributed in running down the economy of Zimbabwe. In a short period of time after ED was sacked with November 2017 events that brought ED to power we saw all those comrades who have condemned ED praising him as a hero. It was all now because the self benefit agenda they have comes with supporting whoever is in control. This only expose hypocrisy in us as Zimbabweans.
Then you go to the opposition that where you will ask yourself a lot of questions. You will get the highest level of hypocrisy there. The same opposition that was in Harare in full support of ousting of Robert Mugabe will tell you that there was a coup against Robert Mugabe. The same Chamisa, Biti,Mahere and all other opposition leaders who supported the ousting of Mugabe thinking that its a gateway to statehouse for them you will hear them saying ED come to power through military coup . An intelligent person will ask what was your role in the process of the coup.Was Mdc not in the strreets of Harare calling for the resignation of Mugabe.
If Mugabe could have not resigned they should have supported his impeachment by Zanu pf because to them they think it we be easy to remove anyone from Zanu as president as they know that Mugabe was difficult for them.Mdc filled the streets of Harare for self benefit that why now after failing to remove ED in 2018 they are saying ED took over through military coup.
The military coup that they were part of.
It’s very sad after the entire process of ousting Mugabe was done Mugabe went on to say he will vote for mdc Chamisa .The same party that would have helped Zanu pf to impeach him if he didn’t resign. Mugabe didn’t chose MDC because he liked it but it was of bitterness that he was no longer going to be the beneficiary of the system and that clearly expose Mugabe hypocrisy. Look at Jacob Zuma he was in jail but he came back and give support to the ANC a true reflection of the integrity part of Jacob Zuma.
Those calling themselves G40 who found themselves out of Zanu pf led by ED financed MDC to fight Zanu pf. The same people who have drafted laws that brought about toxic political environment to the MDC were all welcomed mdc because they were having better financial muscles to fight Zanu pf of ED in 2018 elections. MDC received millions from G40 though they always accused Zanu pf of looting they took the looted funds with no questions because they were now the beneficiaries. Jonathan Moyo became Chamisa chief advisor not because want MDC but he was bitter he was no longer a beneficiary of the wrong system that he was always justifying during the time he was part of the top beneficiaries.
Zhuwao claimed to have financed mdc in 2018 elections but nobody in opposition leadership questioned the source of those funds because it was now benefitting them.All that impose hypocrisy in mdc as the opposition. It left them with no moral rights to condemn Zanu pf on corruption. Those acts of accepting cheques from former bitter Zanu pf members will reflect the true colors of mdc.As long they benefit all is well. If the former Zanu pf government officials who were of rival group to the one that took over from Mugabe financed Mdc do you think if mdc was to win 2018 elections they were going to prosecute them.Obviously they were going to tell them the money we looted we used it to finance you as mdc.
Its so sad we failing to see Zimbabwe politics is filled with hypocrisy fighting for your stomach.
Yesterday I was laughing to a poster of Kasukuwere that states if appointed to be a leader he will make sure all young people in diaspora returns home but he forget that those people went to diaspora long time ago when he was still in possession of power. He failed to formulate policies that should have helped keep those youngsters at home now he wants to fool us again. Those millions of youngsters fled Zimbabwe when Kasukuwere was in power maybe we have remind him.
The Same applies to Tsenengamu he launched his political party and promised to take land from Zanu bigwigs who have multiple farms but those people got those farms whilst he was still in Zanu pf and he was in full support of that. Today he is acting like he sympathize with us Zimbabweans because he is no longer a beneficiary of the system. We don’t such leaders because when Zanu leaders were grabbing those farms he was available now he fall out with Zanu pf he starts making noise.
You take a look on Themba Mliswa is very vocal on condemning corruption within the ruling party but we have people like Paul Westwood he is always crying with Mliswa name. Part of Mliswa fortunes are proceeds of corruption. He is in the front making noise of corrupt comrades in Zanu pf and we don’t know is just because he is bitter of the expulsion or he is fighting his own wars for self benefit.
We then go to the media where we found hypocrites like Hopewell who will defend wrong from foreign forces because he’s bitter with Zanu pf and the foreign forces are giving him brown envelopes to push propaganda with wrong narrative about Zimbabwe. He is living large out of justifying evil on people of Zimbabwe because it comes with self benefits. He recently accused the UN envoy in Zimbabwe as fake and the lady was in the country for a good cause assessing impacts of sanctions on ordinary citizens and to him it was wrong because because he is paid to defend Zimbabwe sanctions and he doesn’t the world to know the truth. Hopewell took a picture of a woman giving birth on the roadside and said it’s in Zimbabwe. He took a picture of a railway line in Uganda with maize plants and said it’s in Zimbabwe. He went on to lie that the ZRP killed a baby in the capital and all this type of news proves how he is anti Zimbabwe. In 2018 he was busy outlining effects on sanctions on Zimbabwe economy but looks like after he failed to secure the intended position in Zanu pf government he started exposing his hypocrisy.
Mukoma Benji is an aspiring President of Zimbabwe who believes hypocrisy is at the centre of Zimbabwe’s problems.