Husband dumps wife who sold tomatoes to send him to university

Albert Nhada
A woman who claims to have paid her husband’s fees until he got a University degree was shocked on Friday when she found the latter wedding another woman at Chiredzi Magistrate Courts.
Albert Nhada is trying to desert his wife of 14 years and their two kids for Nobuhle Masuku. Diana Netsai Masendeke told The Mirror that she sold tomatoes and vegetables to raise money to send her husband to university.
The wedding was cancelled by Magistrate Judith Zuyu after it was opposed.
After completing his degree, Masendeke’s parents then allegedly invited their son-in-law who was staying in rural Chivi to Chiredzi where they got him a well-paying job. Nhada then bought a car and from then on, he started seeing a lot of women, said Masendeke.
Nhada told The Mirror not to write about his private life without his consent, when a reporter called him for a comment.
However, there was drama at Chiredzi Magistrate Courts when Masendeke found her husband on the verge of exchanging vows with Masuku.
Magistrate Zuyu had to stop the wedding after calling for anyone opposed to the marriage, Masendeke, the two kids and her father stood up. Masendeke told Magistrate Zuyu that she was married to Nhada under the Customary Marriages Act.
The magistrate then stopped the wedding.
It is understood that Nhada had planned a white wedding at Mkwasine Country Club which was supposed to take place on Saturday (18 December) soon after the vows at the Court.
“I have been married to Nhada for the past 14 years and we have been together ever since. He like most men has been promiscu0us but I never thought it would get to this,” said Masendeke.
“You are from The Mirror and why are you asking me about my private life, yes my ex disrupted my wedding but do you have consent from me to write the story,” said Nhada.
Masuku said she was going to pursue the matter and she did not mind that her fiancé is a married man.
“I don’t mind that Nhada had a wife and we will continue with the wedding no matter what,” said Masuku before she hung the phone.
“Nhada was a good man before we had money, I married him when he had nothing and we were living in the rural areas at Mseba in Chivi. We had nothing and I was selling fruits and vegetables to fend for the family.
“In 2010, he enrolled at university and I used money from vending to pay his fees until he finished. In 2015 my parents called us to Chiredzi and they got a job for him.
“I am heartbroken. I have been with him through thick and thin and this is his way of thanking me,” said Masendeke.
– Mirror