Leave ED out of your court cases with Chiwenga, Zanu PF tells Marry Mubaiwa

Patrick Chinamasa and Tafadzwa Mugwadi
ZANU PF has warned Vice President Constantino Chiwenga’s estranged wife Marry Mubaiwa to stop dragging President Emmerson Mnangagwa in her divorce issues.
Mubaiwa has been pleading with Mnangagwa to assist her with several case issues before the courts that have been filed by Chiwenga.
She has also been denied access to the couple’s three minor children for the past two years.
Writing on Twitter last week, Mubaiwa said: “I am so heartbroken by the attitude that my husband Vice President Chiwenga is presenting, the ‘I don’t care because I am above the law and even the President ED cannot do anything to me.’ I want my children and no country in the world should accept him in their country.”
However, the Zanu PF information director Tafadzwa Mugwadi angrily responded to Mubaiwa telling her leave to Mnangagwa alone.
“Listen Marry. Hazvishandi. Courts do not administer issues on Twitter,” he wrote.
“Secondly, what does the President have to do with your issues? Leave him out of your issues, please.
“Thirdly, do you still have a husband? Do you want love by ginya? Anyway, solve your issues alone and leave those who have nothing to do with you,” Mugwadi added.
Mubaiwa recently appealed to the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC), and local women’s rights groups begged them to intervene on her behalf and make sure her children are safe.
Last week, Chiwenga was in court testifying that Mubaiwa wanted to fraudulently acquire a marriage certificate between the two.
The matter remains before the courts. Mubaiwa is also facing other cases before the courts of attempting to kill Chiwenga while he was hospitalised in South Africa, money laundering, and assault.
– NewZimbabwe