Makoti divorced for requesting doggy style

Belgian Shepherd Dog puppy, 5 months old, standing against white background


-“It’s against our culture to mate like dogs..”
-“Where did she learn such things?”

A Guruve family has ‘unanimously’ resolved to divorce Tsitsi Murakwani (27) for demanding that her husband Tumai Karanda (34) take her from the back.

Tsitsi made the unusual request three years into her marriage and her husband is gutted.
” I don’t know what got into her. She just bent and started panting like a dog. She said she wanted me to do what a dog does. I thought she was possessed and left the bedroom to sleep in the kitchen.
But she didn’t stop and she demanded that I would not sleep with her unless I did the style of the dogs. I have seen dogs mating and it’s like they would be pulling each other, I believe humans cannot do that.
I called my aunt and a family meeting was arranged. We all resolved that divorce was the proper way to to go.
It’s against our culture, we don’t mate like dogs.”

The family’s spokesperson Tete Mai George also seconded what Tumai said.
” Tanyara. Tamubvunza kuti wakazvidzidzepi akatsenga mukanwa. Hanzi Whatsapu grupu. Chirungu chacho chatinetsawo. Iye mukadzi wemunhu anotsvagei paWhatsapu yo? Handiti ndoochipfambi chiripachena?,” she told The Citizen.
When asked for a comment Tsitsi said: “Nyorai zvamada. It’s my right to speak to my husband what I want in my bedroom. The family is ancient and backward but I am not being divorced. Tumai still loves me.”

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