Man arrested for saying Mnangagwa’s only success was Gukurahundi

BRUISED NOSE: Zimbabwe President Emmerson Mnangagwa
GUTU: A Gutu man has been arrested for “publicly denigrating” President Emmerson Mnangagwa, after describing him as a dismal failure whose only notable success was participating in Gukurahundi, the genocide that saw more than 20 000 Ndebeles massacred in Matabeleland in the 80s.
Douglas Chauke of Munhende suburb, was arrested last week and is being accused of violating Section 33(2) (a) (i) of the notorious Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act.
According to police papers, Chauke uttered statements undermining Mnangagwa’s authority.
“On 13 December 2021 and at Machinya Bar, Chauke unlawfully and intentionally undermined the authority of the president by saying, “Mnangagwa haana chaachinja muZimbabwe arikutevedza zvakasiiwa na Mugabe. Iye chaakwanisa inyaya yekuuraya maNdebele nguva yeGukurahundi.” (Mnangagwa has changed nothing in Zimbabwe, he is following the footsteps of Mugabe, the only thing he did successfully was the killing of Ndebeles in Matebeleland during Gukurahundi),” the charge sheet reads.
Police are saying that was wrong and could cause hatred and contempt of the office of the president.
Chauke joins a long list of people who have been arrested under the controversial law for “undermining” Mnangagwa’s authority, including others who distributed messages and videos criticising him.
The law itself is one of the many that are yet to be amended to conform with the 2013 Constitution.
–— NewZimbabwe