Exasperation!; Sikhala in another foiled freedom bid

Incarcerated Zengesa West MP Job Sikhala


FOR the umpteenth time, Citizens’ Coalition for Change (CCC) legislator, Job Sihkala, had his bail application thrown out Tuesday in respect of a case he is accused of obstructing the course of justice.

Harare magistrate, Stenford Mambanje cited that no new facts had been put before him to re-visit his last ruling.

In passing ruling, the magistrate said ‘new’ facts submitted by Sikhala had not changed the basis upon which bail was initially refused.

“Having given due consideration to the facts of this case, and the applicable legal principles, l am satisfied that the applicant has not discharged the burden to satisfy me that there has been an exceptional change in circumstances warranting that l review in his favour the order previously made by this court denying the applicant bail pending trial,”
Mambanje said.

“These new facts have not changed the basis upon which bail was initially refused, it is for these reasons that this application must fail.”

Sikhala’s lawyer, Beatrice Mtetwa had argued that there was no likelihood that Sikhala would interfere with State’s investigations and that the passage of time was enough for the court to re-visit its ruling.

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