Mnangagwa’s legitimacy case to be heard in High Court on 21 September

Sybeth Musengezi
ZANU PF member Sybeth Musengezi, who challenged President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s ascendancy to the party presidency after the November 2017 military coup, has revealed that the High Court has set 21st of September as the date for hearing the case.
“Thanks to this urgent chamber application that sought stop the ZANU PF congress pending finalization of the legitimacy matter. Now our Mnangagwa legitimacy matter is set down for the 21st of September for hearing before HC Judge President Justice Mary Dube. We pray for justice!” said Musengezi in a Twitter post.
Musengezi is seeking a court order declaring null and void a November 19, 2017 Zanu PF central committee meeting that elected Mnangagwa as party leader after the late Robert Mugabe’s dismissal.
This comes after Musengezi filed an urgent High Court chamber application seeking a ruling stopping President Emmerson Mnangagwa from calling and presiding over Zanu PF’s upcoming elective congress a fortnight ago.