Biti, Hwende and Ncube are fed up with Chamisa

CCC Vice President Welshman Ncube
Presidential Spokesperson Charamba says CCC bigwigs reaching out to be accommodated in Zanu-PF
Zimbabwe President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s spokesman George Charamba claimed that the United States has lost confidence in Citizens Coalition for Change leader Nelson Chamisa because Chamisa is headed for some “sound drubbing” in next year’s elections
Writing in his weekly column in the Herald under Jamwanda, Charamba said Chamisa’s lieutenants were also seeking accommodation ostensibly with the Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front.

The article was centred on US sanctions on Zimbabwe but Charamba said although the US seemed to be playing tough it was frantically making overtures to Zimbabwe.

“Far from daft, it sees and reads the writing on the wall: that its political cat’s paw here —Chamisa — is headed for some sound drubbing, come 2023,” Charamba said.
“Even America’s tenacious acolyte — Tendai Biti — is reaching out to us for accommodation. He is not alone.
“Hwende, too, is making fillers, as does Welshman Ncube, and several other high-ranking Triple C officials so fed up with Chamisa.
“In typical fashion of an organisation in atrophy, officials are quietly cutting deals, hoping to surprise and
outflank each other.