Wadyajena’s “Valentine’s Day Images” Spark Outrage: Flies Harare Slay Queen To Paris In Midst Of U$5 Million Stolen Cottco Money Case

Natalie Mhandu with Justice Wadyejena in Paris


Gokwe-Nembudziya legislator Justice Mayor Wadyajena was spotted with a Harare slay Queen, Natalie Mhandu, in Paris on Valentine’s Day.

This happened a few days after the courts cleared him of stealing US$5 million from the Cotton Company of Zimbabwe.

Wadyajena was spotted near the Eiffel Tower in Paris, France on Valentine’s Day.

After the pictures went viral on social media, some people on Twitter cited the bad roads in Gokwe-Nembudziya, as an example of misplaced priorities on the part of Wadyajena.

Outspoken Norton MP Temba Mliswa, in a series of tweets, blasted the people of Gokwe-Nembudziya for the choices they make in selecting their leaders. He said:

It’s disturbing that we still have people voting for politicians like these. This is a guy who has been involved in a US$5 million Cottco case which has disenfranchised many farmers. Here he is lavishly spending the money in a foreign land while we say we are fighting corruption.

Back here the people he swindled are suffering the effects and there has been no accountability. Why do people still vote for such? As the electorate are you not partly to blame when you get low standard leaders because of your voting choices?

Back here the people he swindled are suffering the effects and there has been no accountability. Why do people still vote for such? As the electorate are you not partly to blame when you get low standard leaders because of your voting choices?

Wadyajena has been Chairman of the Agriculture Portfolio Committee for about 5 years and in that period has only submitted requisite reports only two times! The incompetence and condescension is shocking. He seldom attends Parliament and never contributes to the debates.

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