ED desperate for Grace Mugabe endorsement

SMOKING PEACE PIPE: Grace Mugabe congratulates ED on his election victory
Zanu PF leader President Emmerson Mnangagwa has once again laid bare his desperation to have the former First lady Grace Mugabe endorse him after the nasty November 2017 events that results in the fall of long time ruler Robert Mugabe.
Speaking at the wedding of his Vice President Constantino Chiwenga yesterday, Mnangagwa urged Grace Mugabe to forget about the past (November 2017 coup) and become part of the so called new dispensation spearheaded by the same people who tormented her late husband.
In his speech, Mnangagwa made the following remarks…
“Muno matiri tina First Lady vedu, Mai Mnangagwa varimo, asi tina former First Lady vari muno Mai Mugabe, Grace, ndinofara kuti mavuya hamuna kuda kuzvisarudza kuti AAH zvino zvangu zvakapera, ahh bodo, tiri tese nyika ndeyedu tose, zvakaitika zvakaitika, zvasara sure ngatiendei mberi, ndafara kuti mauya former first lady nemhuri yenyu, i am very happy that you are here, hongu uyu ndi soko imiwo muri soko, eeh uyu anoba but imi andina kumbonzwa kuti imi munoba, hamheno kuti pa soko apa varume ndovanoba here kana kuti mose, Chiwenga. Kuba uku kwesoko ndekwevarume kana kuti mose nehanzvadzi? ….”
“I am happy you have come, please you are part of us, never, never feel that you are not part of us madam, be with us as we move on,” said Mnangagwa.
Grace Mugabe has been spotted at a number of state functions including Mnangagwa’s inauguration ceremony held in August this year.
Her attendance at Chiwenga’s wedding could be as a result of her sharing the same totem with Mnangagwa’s deputy.