Chamisa punished for refusing Mnangagwa bribe

Former CCC leader Nelson Chamisa


Presidential spokesperson George Charamba asserts that opposition politician Nelson Chamisa would still be the CCC leader if he had accepted the offer to be the leader of the opposition in parliament.

Chamisa was offered that post by the government soon after the 2018 elections, which he turned down, citing election rigging by Zanu PF that year.

Last weekend, Chamisa resurfaced, stating he had exhausted all diplomatic avenues for challenging vote rigging by Zanu PF and warned of practical action.

This statement followed his approach to the SADC, requesting intervention to address the disputed 2023 elections.

SADC and all international observer missions condemned the 2023 polls, declaring them flawed.

Chamisa declared there won’t be a repeat of 2023 or 2018 in 2028, emphasising that the only way forward is to resolve the issues surrounding the last stolen polls.

Responding to Chamisa’s concerns, Charamba stated: “Chamisa cannot be available as a NATIONAL LEADER; he can only be available as a PARTISAN, PARTY-LESS LEADER!!!!! The reason is simple: He turned down the offer of LEADER OF THE OPPOSITION IN PARLIAMENT, itself an elevated NATIONAL STATUS. Zvimwe zvese rangova drama zvaro!!!!!!”

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