Wicknell Chivayo falsified car donation to Scott in USD40 million Sakupwanya-election scandal

Wicknell Chivhayo


On a cool, unsuspecting April Fools’ Day, the world was treated to an astonishing spectacle. Wicknell Chivayo, a man known for his flamboyant personality and unpredictable antics, took to the screen with an announcement that would leave many baffled.

“My ghost has to go, I have to say goodbye to my ghost,” Chivayo declared, his voice dripping with theatrical gravitas. The statement hung in the air, enigmatic and surreal, as viewers scrambled to decipher its meaning.

As if shedding the cloak of a showman, Chivayo transformed before the camera, adopting the solemn demeanor of a preacher. “Today is resurrection day,” he intoned, his voice imbued with an almost evangelical fervor. “The Lord teaches us to love one another, so the ghost has to go.”

The suspense was palpable. Who or what was this ‘ghost’? And why was its departure so crucial? Then came the twist—a revelation that felt like a sharp twist of the knife. Chivayo’s ghost, he confessed, had been gifted to none other than his best friend, a member of the ZANU PF, Scott Sakupwanya, known to many as Shumba.

It was a stunning disclosure, one that danced on the fine line between reality and absurdity. On the surface, it appeared to be an act of selfless generosity, wrapped in the language of faith and camaraderie. Yet, as the layers peeled away, a darker truth began to emerge.

The ‘ghost,’ it turned out, was no spectral entity but a symbol of Chivayo’s burdens—financial, reputational, and perhaps even criminal. And this ‘donation’ was less an act of charity than a cunning maneuver, a way to offload liabilities under the guise of goodwill.

The narrative that had initially seemed like a heartfelt farewell to a personal demon was, in fact, a masterclass in deception.

Chivayo’s audience, many of whom had initially believed in the sincerity of his words, were left to grapple with the realization that they had been duped. The ‘resurrection day’ speech, delivered with the fervor of a televangelist, was nothing more than an elaborate charade.

In the end, what was presented as a noble gesture was exposed as a calculated ruse, a Machiavellian play that left the public questioning not just Chivayo’s integrity, but the very nature of the truths they are fed by those in power.

The ghost had indeed been laid to rest, but not in the way anyone had expected.

It was Chivayo’s Rolls Royce Ghost being handed over to Scott Sakupwanya, at least on camera.

The controversial businessman Wicknell Chivayo has been exposed for falsifying an expensive car donation to Scott Sakupwanya, owner of Better Brands Security. An investigation by ZimEye has revealed that the money for the donation was originally Sakupwanya’s, highlighting Chivayo’s deceptive tactics.

Better Brands Security, the same company linked to the use of a gun in the deadly 2021 shooting of alleged armed robbers by former CID cop Joseph Nemaisa, is now embroiled in another major controversy. This time, the focus is on a scandal involving the misappropriation of election funds through a dubious tender process.

The scandal centers around a $40 million contract awarded to Chivayo for supplying electoral materials to the Zimbabwe Election Commission (ZEC) ahead of the 2023 general elections.

Chivayo, notorious for his close ties with President Emmerson Mnangagwa and other high-profile government officials, secured the tender in a highly irregular manner.

Chivayo’s colleague, Scott Sakupwanya, and his company Better Brands Security, in collaboration with Ren-Form CC, significantly inflated prices by up to 235% for voter registration kits, polling day materials, and other essential election supplies. This procurement process, overseen by ZEC chairperson Priscilla Chigumba, was fraught with corruption and favoritism.

Documents in ZimEye’s possession reveal that Chivayo, alongside local businessmen Mike Chimombe and Moses Mpofu, leveraged their political connections to bypass standard competitive bidding procedures. Instead, they manipulated the process to ensure the tender was awarded to their consortium, which then engaged in severe overpricing.

The financial implications were staggering. An advance payment of nearly $20 million was made to Chivayo, with total costs skyrocketing to over $40 million due to the exorbitant mark-ups. This windfall for Chivayo and his associates came at the expense of the Zimbabwean electorate, resulting in a severe shortage of critical electoral materials, including ballot boxes and papers. This posed a grave threat to the integrity of the election process, potentially disenfranchising countless voters.

The agenda was partly to make Scott Sakupwanya rich enough so to be able to grab the Mabvuku constituency, which first stage flopped, but everything has to be hidden so the handler has to be Chivayo. (The second stage of the raids was the Sengezo Tshabangu era which was exclusively exposed by ZimEye after the murder of Bishop Tapfumaneyi Masaya, Nov to Dec 2023)

The broader implications for public accountability and governance in Zimbabwe are significant. The use of public funds in such a fraudulent manner highlights systemic issues of corruption, bribery, and lack of transparency within the government and its affiliated institutions.

Chivayo’s ostentatious display of wealth, funded by these illicit gains, has only added to public outrage. Images of him flaunting luxury items and properties have circulated widely, underscoring the gross misuse of funds intended for a vital democratic exercise.

In light of these revelations, there are increasing calls for thorough investigations and accountability. The ZEC’s decision-making process and the involvement of high-ranking officials in the tender award need scrutiny to restore public trust and ensure future electoral processes are free from such corruption.

Meanwhile, the 2021 shooting scandal involving Better Brands Security and former CID officer Joseph Nemaisa was reviewed with Nemaisa saying that the gun he used during the shootout with robbers belonged to Newman Maseve, a security guard from Better Brands Security.

Nemaisa stated that he had asked Maseve to accompany him to his house, where he left the guard in the car parked a few houses away. Maseve was instructed to watch the street for any getaway vehicles while Nemaisa confronted the robbers. Nemaisa also revised his initial claim about his location, stating he was in Mandara, not Chisipite.

Nemaisa detailed the sequence of events, describing how he killed the first two robbers and then the third. He defended his actions against public criticism, emphasizing his experience with firearms and his decision to call the CIO crack squad instead of the police due to their perceived inadequacy in handling such situations.

Nemaisa also denied involvement in the ZB Bank heist, dismissing the accusations as baseless. He emphasized his impeccable record with the Zimbabwe Republic Police and his educational achievements, including a first-class degree in law.

These developments have further highlighted the controversial operations of Better Brands Security and its entrenchment in high-profile incidents. The use of a security guard’s firearm in such a critical situation raises questions about the company’s practices and the extent of its influence.

As the investigations continue, the interconnections between business, security operations, and political influence in Zimbabwe remain under intense scrutiny. The public’s demand for transparency and accountability grows stronger, driven by the need to address the systemic corruption that threatens the nation’s democratic integrity.

Zimbabwean Tycoon Wicknell Chivayo’s Lavish Spending Spurs Scrutiny Over Wealth Sources

Flamboyant Zimbabwean businessman Wicknell Chivayo’s extravagant spending on luxury cars, an imposing mansion, and large cash donations has raised questions about the origins of his wealth.

The NewsHawks is investigating the financial trail behind Chivayo’s lavish lifestyle to uncover the source of his funds.

Chivayo, a controversial figure with a criminal record, has recently gained attention for donating cars to high-profile individuals and making substantial cash contributions to various organizations. In January alone, he gifted 50 Toyota Aqua vehicles worth US$400,000 to members of his congregation. His own collection of luxury cars includes a fleet of supercars and six all-white imported vehicles valued at US$3.5 million.

His Hollywood-style mansion in Harare’s Gletwyn suburb, furnished by South Africa’s Norman Bakos Signature Collection, further showcases his wealth. Despite comparisons to former police Commissioner-General Augustine Chihuri’s estate, Chivayo insists his property is a separate entity built from scratch.

The source of Chivayo’s wealth appears to be state tenders, specifically from the state-owned power utility Zesa and the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC). His deals with the ZEC remain undisclosed, prompting further investigation by The NewsHawks.

Chivayo’s company, Intratrek Zimbabwe, has secured significant government contracts, including a US$5.8 million solar power project and a US$173 million contract for the Gwanda Solar Project. Despite receiving substantial payments, Chivayo has failed to deliver on the Gwanda project, leading to fraud allegations and a court battle that ultimately resulted in his acquittal.

Intratrek executed pre-commencement works using funds provided by the Zimbabwe Power Company (ZPC), a Zesa subsidiary. These payments constitute less than 5% of the total contract value of US$172.8 million. Critics argue that Chivayo’s close ties with President Emmerson Mnangagwa facilitated these contracts, raising concerns about cronyism and corruption.

Chivayo’s recent donations extend beyond cars. He contributed US$1 million to the Zion Christian Church during its Easter Passover festival, a gesture announced by the church’s leader, Bishop Nehemiah Mutendi. This act of philanthropy, however, has not alleviated public skepticism about his financial dealings.

The NewsHawks is using advanced digital tools and investigative techniques to trace Chivayo’s financial transactions. The aim is to uncover hidden sources of wealth, often concealed in real estate, luxury assets, and ostentatious public displays.

Chivayo’s case exemplifies “crony capitalism” or “political entrepreneurship,” where individuals leverage political connections to secure business deals and accumulate wealth. This practice undermines fair competition, perpetuates corruption, and erodes public trust in both government and business.

As calls for greater transparency and accountability grow, it is crucial for the Zimbabwean government to ensure that contracts are awarded openly and fairly, without undue influence or favoritism. Promoting economic growth and restoring public trust require a commitment to transparent and equitable procurement processes.

Chivayo’s conspicuous wealth and the lack of transparency surrounding his financial activities underscore the need for rigorous scrutiny and reform in Zimbabwe’s business and political landscape.

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