Chivayo, accomplices flee Zimbabwe to avoid arrest over ZEC tender scandal

Wicknell Chivhayo


Key suspects in the US$40 million Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) scandal, Wicknell Chivayo, Mike Chimombe and Moses Mpofu have been accused of fleeing the country to avoid being arrested by the Zimbabwe Anti-Corruption Commission (ZACC).

Two key suspects in the deal have since claimed they are currently out of the country and unable to hand themselves over to ZACC investigators for interviews or arrest.

Through their lawyers, Antonio & Dzvetero Legal Practitioners, Chimombe and Mpofu notified ZACC that they are willing to cooperate fully with the investigations but are currently unavailable due to their absence from the country.

Chivhayo Seriously Dents What Is Left Of Mnangagwa’s Political Legacy…..

Zanu PF internal sources said the recent audio recordings of Wicknell Chivhayo bragging about having President Emmerson Mnangagwa “in his pockets” have deepened divisions within Zimbabwe’s ruling party.

Sources indicate that these revelations particularly embitter Vice President Constantino Chiwenga.

The ex-convict, known for his extravagant lifestyle, has been distributing cash and expensive cars to select celebrities while publicly campaigning for Mnangagwa’s continued rule beyond 2028.

This move has raised eyebrows within the party, especially given an apparent gentleman’s agreement where Mnangagwa would step aside for Chiwenga in 2028.

Weeks after Chivhayo’s public appearances with President Mnangagwa at several State functions, audio recordings surfaced.

In these recordings, Chivhayo claims that Mnangagwa and other senior government officials are in his “pockets”.

He alleges that Mnangagwa considers him a “son” and that he is leveraging this relationship for personal gain.

He further accuses his former business partners, Mike Chimombe and Moses Mpofu, of fabricating the audio using advanced technology as part of an extortion scheme.

The trio is reportedly in conflict over a contentious US$40 million deal to supply election materials to the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) ahead of the 2023 general elections.

ZANU PF’s politburo sources express concern over Mnangagwa’s association with dubious characters like Chivhayo.

A politburo member commented, “The issue of concern is why Zanu PF has largely remained silent when Chivhayo has dragged the party leader into the mud. Party bigwigs are questioning Mnangagwa over the shady characters frequently seen at State House.”

In response, the Zanu PF Youth League recently warned Chivhayo against exploiting the party’s name and state structures for self-gain.

A senior party member noted that the Youth League, often the voice of party elites, swiftly intervened to support Mnangagwa, signaling that Zanu PF itself would not directly engage in the scandal. “The Youth League’s intervention was a message to Chivhayo, and he understood it,” the official said.

On Sunday, the Zimbabwe Anti-Corruption Commission (ZACC) announced plans to interview Mpofu, Chimombe, and Chivhayo to clarify the alleged ZEC deal.

The two, Tuesday, said they were not in the country.

….As Chivhayo Deepens Chiwenga, Mnangagwa Feud….

Recent audio recordings of Wicknell Chivhayo bragging about having President Emmerson Mnangagwa “in his pockets” have deepened divisions within Zimbabwe’s ruling party, Zanu PF.

Sources indicate that these revelations particularly embitter Vice President Constantino Chiwenga.

The ex-convict, known for his extravagant lifestyle, has been distributing cash and expensive cars to select celebrities while publicly campaigning for Mnangagwa’s continued rule beyond 2028.

This move has raised eyebrows within the party, especially given an apparent gentleman’s agreement where Mnangagwa would step aside for Chiwenga in 2028.

Weeks after Chivhayo’s public appearances with President Mnangagwa at several State functions, audio recordings surfaced.

In these recordings, Chivhayo claims that Mnangagwa and other senior government officials are in his “pockets”.

He alleges that Mnangagwa considers him a “son” and that he is leveraging this relationship for personal gain.

He further accuses his former business partners, Mike Chimombe and Moses Mpofu, of fabricating the audio using advanced technology as part of an extortion scheme.

The trio is reportedly in conflict over a contentious US$40 million deal to supply election materials to the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) ahead of the 2023 general elections.

ZANU PF’s politburo sources express concern over Mnangagwa’s association with dubious characters like Chivhayo.

A politburo member commented, “The issue of concern is why Zanu PF has largely remained silent when Chivhayo has dragged the party leader into the mud. Party bigwigs are questioning Mnangagwa over the shady characters frequently seen at State House.”

In response, the Zanu PF Youth League recently warned Chivhayo against exploiting the party’s name and state structures for self-gain.

A senior party member noted that the Youth League, often the voice of party elites, swiftly intervened to support Mnangagwa, signaling that Zanu PF itself would not directly engage in the scandal. “The Youth League’s intervention was a message to Chivhayo, and he understood it,” the official said.

On Sunday, the Zimbabwe Anti-Corruption Commission (ZACC) announced plans to interview Mpofu, Chimombe, and Chivhayo to clarify the alleged ZEC deal.

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