Chiwenga takes ED head-on in 3 urgent meetings

Vice President Constantine Chiwenga


Zanu PF President Emmerson Mnangagwa and his deputy, Constantino Chiwenga, are expected to confront each other in three consecutive urgent meetings at the Shake-shake Building as factionalism within the party deepens.

The three meetings have been lined up for Politburo tomorrow, followed by a Central Committee meeting on Thursday and the National Consultative Assembly on Friday.

Zanu PF spokesperson Christopher Mutsvangwa confirmed the meetings but did not disclose their agendas.

However, sources within the party indicate that the meetings will address the escalating factionalism driven by President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s intention to remain in power beyond 2028.

President Mnangagwa’s association with controversial businessman Wicknell Chivayo, whom he allegedly uses to siphon national resources for his political survival, is also expected to be discussed.

These ties have reportedly angered Vice President Constantino Chiwenga, who feels sidelined and undermined.

The sources suggest that Zanu PF is poised for a significant split if these issues are not resolved.

A faction of former liberation war fighters is already planning to form a political party to support Chiwenga’s potential presidency in 2028.

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