Ibbo questions Chamisa ‘strategy over 2023 elections

Ibbo Mandaza


In a recent social media post, prominent Zimbabwean academic Dr. Ibbo Mandaza called on opposition leader Nelson Chamisa to provide a comprehensive account of his actions and strategies surrounding the August 2023 elections.

Mandaza’s statement emphasized the need for Chamisa to clarify his conduct before, during, and after the electoral process to address the growing rumors and speculation about his role and intentions.

He further highlighted the significant support Chamisa garnered during the elections, with over two million Zimbabweans casting their votes for the opposition leader.

This substantial backing, according to Mandaza, places an obligation on Chamisa to communicate transparently with his supporters and the broader population.

“You owe the population – especially the 2 million plus who voted for you – a detailed explanation, to dispel the rumours doing the rounds about your duplicitous conduct, restore confidence in your support base, and/or inform Zimbabweans that you’re no longer in contention,” Mandaza asserted in his post.

The academic’s call comes amid a climate of political uncertainty and unrest in Zimbabwe, with various narratives and allegations swirling around Chamisa’s political maneuvers. Supporters and critics alike have expressed a desire for clarity, hoping that Chamisa’s response will either reaffirm his commitment to the opposition’s cause or provide a clear path forward for the political landscape in Zimbabwe.

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