Shock as SA Firm linked To Mnangagwa ally Wicknell Chivayo charged ZEC US$1.2 Million for an HP server worth US$4,000

BUDDIES: President Mnangagwa and Chivhayo


Zimbos are dumbfounded by the revelation that an SA firm linked to Wicknell Chivayo charged ZEC over US$1.2 million for an HP server that costs about US$4,000.

Wicknell has been under fire since it emerged that he was part of the US$40 million deal to supply equipment for the 2023 elections. South African firm Ren Form won the tender and partnered with Better Brands Security, owned by Scott Sakupwanya, who was ironically a candidate in the same election. Chivayo was also part of the deal.

Later, Ren Farm nicodemusly elbowed Better Brands out and made Chivayo the principal partner. Mike Chimombe and Moses Mpofu of Better Brands wrote a letter to Ren Farm, complaining that they had been left in the cold and Chivayo had taken over.

Chimombe and Mpofu demanded a 10% payment of all the profits paid to Chivayo. The letter leaked, and it had damning revelations that Chivayo and the firm inflated prices by 235%. Documents and invoices from the deal are leaking into the public domain, and they are messy.

One of the invoices from Ren Form to the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission is trending and shocking people online.

The company supplied ZEC with an HP Proliant DL380 Gen 10 server. On the invoice, the company quoted $1,264,865.

A simple Google search will show the price ranges of the servers, exposing how Wicknell and the firm ruthlessly overcharged ZEC. A Zimbabwean company sells the same server for US$3.945, while Amazon has it for $4,695.

FISH ROTS FROM THE HEAD: Chamisa bemoans rampant corruption.. Rottenness Everywhere

Popular politician and former Citizens Coalition for Change president Nelson Chamisa bemoaned rampant corruption in the country.

Posting on his X handle Chamisa said the rottenness is stinks.


The extent of rottenness and corruption stinks to the high heavens.

“As they say, a fish rots from the head. An aspiring political candidate is implicated in a transaction involving procurement of election materials by the Electoral ‘Omission,’ he posted.

His comments comes at the time, there is an audio going rounds purportedly by controversial businessperson Wicknell Chivayo.

The audio implicates President Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa in Chivayo’s deals.

“Ifa Wega”: Mike Chimombe Responds To Wicknell Chivayo Following His Viral Audios

Controversial businessman Mike Chimombe has responded to Wicknell Chivayo for attacking him after his controversial viral audios leaked.

Earlier this week, two of Chivayo’s voice notes leaked and they have startled Zimbos on and offline.

These recordings have caused quite a stir as they reportedly contain claims by Chivayo about his influence and dealings with high-level figures, including President Mnangagwa.

He alleged to be close to President Mnangagwa and that he is deep within the system. He added that he even has preferential treatment and can get tenders. The dodgy businessman was even eying contracts from the police, immigration department and for the supply of maize.

Following the leak, Chivayo issued a response, denying that he recorded the audios and attacked fellow businessmen Mike Chimombe and Moses Mpofu.

He added that the contents of the clips are consistent with the sustained attacks on bim by the two of Better Brands Security.

Recently, a letter leaked, in which Chimombe and Mpofu accused their business partner of elbowing them out for Wicknell Chivayo in a US$40 million ZEC contract.

Meanwhile, Mnangagwa’s spokesman dismissed the claims linking the President to corruption as ‘insane’.

The Zanu PF Youth League also addressed the claims, warning people against muddying President Mnangagwa’ s name.

iHarare News

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