Job Sikhala wins appeal against conviction


Job Sikhala has won his appeal against conviction by the regime’s captured magistrates’ court, which used a law that doesn’t exist to convict him!

The High Court in Zimbabwe has reiterated that there is no crime called “Publishing or communicating false statements prejudicial to the State.”

The State consented to the ruling, indicating that it knew all along that the charge was used by ZANUPF to persecute the veteran opposition leader.

The High Court had pronounced on this issue in 2021, but the magistrate, Feresi Chakanyuka, disregarded the High Court ruling, although by law she should have respected the higher court’s decision.

Sikhala was represented by Harrison Nkomo who got the initial ruling in 2021 when he represented journalist Hopewell Chin’ono after he had been charged using the same law that doesn’t exist.

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