Killer Zivhu comes to Chiwenga’s rescue

Killer Zivhu


Killer Zivhu, a notable figure within Zimbabwe’s ruling party Zanu PF, has stepped forward to address the ongoing discourse surrounding succession within the party, emphasizing the importance of respecting Vice President Constantino Chiwenga.

Speaking on Sunday, Zivhu conveyed a straightforward message:

“Stop fooling yourselves with theories! Seniority rules.

The Vice President is as good as the President. There has been no party election since 1980; candidates are endorsed by provinces.

Anyone thinking of upstaging the Vice President is simply wasting their time. The lineup is clear, and it will guide both the party and the government.”

Zivhu’s remarks come amidst speculation and debate within Zanu PF regarding future leadership transitions. His stance not only supports Vice President Chiwenga but also underscores the party’s historical practices of endorsement rather than competitive elections for top positions.

As the political landscape in Zimbabwe continues to evolve, Zivhu’s endorsement of Chiwenga serves as a notable statement within the party, potentially influencing internal dynamics and discussions moving forward.

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