President Mnangagwa fails the test on Chivayo

President Mnangagwa and Chivhayo


In Zimbabwe, the impunity enjoyed by politically connected figures like dodgy businessman Wicknell Chivayo, despite serious corruption allegations involving a multi-million-dollar Zimbabwe Electoral Commission tender, underscores a troubling culture of impunity.

Chivayo, who claims close ties to President Emmerson Mnangagwa, remains free and openly benefits from his corrupt dealings.

This selective justice erodes public trust in institutions, leadership, and the rule of law, creating an Orwellian scenario where some are shielded from accountability while others face consequences.

Crony capitalism, the intertwining of politics and business, has severely damaged Zimbabwe, perpetuating corruption and undermining economic development.

Compromised political leaders lack the moral authority and independence to effectively combat corruption, prioritizing personal gain over public welfare and weakening democratic norms.

The Zimbabwe Anti-Corruption Commission’s silence on Chivayo’s case, despite earlier promises, raises concerns about its effectiveness and independence.

To restore integrity and transparency, Zimbabwean leaders must demonstrate unwavering commitment to justice, accountability, and the rule of law.

This includes ending impunity for corrupt practices, regardless of political connections, to rebuild public trust and strengthen democratic institutions essential for sustainable development.

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