Ex-Harare officials sentenced to 10 years for corruption


High Court Judge Justice Benjamin Chikowero has sentenced two former senior Harare City Council officials, Stanley Ndemera and Emmanuel Mutambirwa, to ten years in prison for criminal abuse of duty.

Ndemera, the former acting finance director, and Mutambirwa, the ex-Valuer and Estates manager, were found guilty of corruptly distributing commercial stands on land leased to Old Hararians Sports Club.

The Zimbabwe Anti-Corruption Commission (ZACC) initiated the case after discovering that Ndemera and Mutambirwa had colluded to misappropriate the land.

According to the State, led by Mr. Whisper Mabhaudi and Mr. Lovack Masuku, the two officials were involved in illicit activities between September 2018 and August 2020.

During this period, Ndemera and Mutambirwa facilitated the sale of commercial stands to several companies, including Optel Enterprises, Silver Harbour Enterprises, and Leanforth Investment.

The illegal transactions were executed without proper authorization, resulting in significant financial losses for the Harare City Council and raising serious concerns about governance and transparency in the municipal administration.

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