Political activist arrested for allegedly protesting in 2019 while Gokwe 12 are denied bail

Incoming SADC Chairman President Emmerson Mnangagwa


HARARE — Police have arrested a political activist for allegedly demonstrating against President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s regime in January 2019 while 12 arrested in Gokwe were denied bail as foreign heads of state trickled into the country for the SADC meeting in Harare, starting tomorrow.

Social and economic justice campaigner Darlington Madzonga, was arrested in Harare today by plainclothes police. He is accused of participating in an anti-government protest in January 2019. He is in police custody.

In Gokwe, Zimbabwe Lawyers for Human Rights said their clients, who were arrested earlier this week for allegedly participating in an anti-government demonstration, were denied bail. No date has been set for their trial.

They allegedly were not happy with Mnangagwa’s impending takeover of SADC chairmanship, citing worsening repression, corruption and deteriorating living conditions.
Meanwhile, Catholic bishops in Zimbabwe have issued a Pastoral letter denouncing arbitrary arrests and calling for tolerance and restraint in the country. Ahead of the summit, Mnangagwa’s regime has been systematically clamping down on dissent.

“Recently, we have seen wanton arrests of citizens under frivolous charges. Some of the arrested have been denied bail. Surely, even those who ‘have committed crimes’ deserve to be treated in a just manner. They cannot be denied their fundamental rights. Here, the adage, ‘justice delayed is justice denied,’ rings true. Let us safeguard the human rights enshrined in our Constitution,” read the bishops’ statement.

The bishops said they had observed the resurgence of some ugly vices. This is sad, for, in a democratic nation that knows the value of human dignity, freedom of association and speech, such vices have no place as they contradict some of the fundamental values that form the bedrock of our national Constitution.”

On Wednesday this week, Amnesty International appealed to Mnangagwa to end the crackdown on activists as well as members of the opposition.

Over 160 activists, political opposition supporters and student union activists have been arrested for alleged disorderly conduct, criminal nuisance and plotting to incite protests.

Some of those detained were said to have been severely tortured and sustained injuries that required hospitalisation, which they were denied. — Kukurigo-Vatican News.

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