Save Our Girls drags Zanu PF propagandist to court

Zanu PF's Rutendo Matinyarare


By Hopewell Chin’ono

A South African non-governmental organisation called Save Our Girls is taking ZANUPF propagandist, Rutendo Matinyarare, to the South African High Court for allegedly sleeping with young girls (paedophilia).

The case also drags in ZANUPF oligarch and corrupt businessman, Kuda Tagwirei, whom Zimbabwean lawyer Simba Chitando has accused of funding Matinyarare’s propaganda after their fallout.

Chitando knows more about Matinyarare because they were once best friends before their spectacular falling out.

The case will be heard in the Gauteng High Court division. Matinyarare is reported to be on the run after fleeing South Africa.

I have posted the 44-page affidavit and 3-page Noticeof Motion in my Telegram channel via this link: https://t.me/informationhubzimbabwe…

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