2030 resolution under implementation: Daniel Garwe and Owen Ncube

Former State Security Minister, Owen Mudha Ncube bites the dust again
The ZANU PF succession war is raging on, as Local Government Minister Daniel Garwe delivers message saying the ruling party is already implementing one of its resolution to extend President Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa’s term of office.
Speaking at a televised function he said as all districts in Zimbabwe endorse Resolution Number 1affirming that Mnangagwa should remain in office until 2030.
“That’s the voice of the people,” Garwe declares ‘and we are already implementing it. Speaking at the same event former Central Intelligence Organization minister Owen Ncube Chanted a thunderous 2030 Slogan: “VaMnangagwa Vanenge Vachitonga,” the crowd cheered him in support.
This comes at the time there is a growing rift within the ruling party over the matter.
Few days ago, a section of the War Veterans which is an arm of ZANU PF came clear opposing the idea to extend Mnangagwa’s term of office.