Chin’ono dismisses Magaya as a conman & fake prophet

Walter Magaya
By Hopewell Chin’ono
This is Zimbabwe’s religious conman and fake prophet, Walter Magaya, lying not only about his university honours, but also about having studied A Levels, despite not even possessing a full O Level certificate. Walter Magaya wanted to run for the presidency of Zimbabwe’s football association, where the primary requirement for the job is five O Levels—qualifications he does not have.
He went to court to challenge his disqualification, arguing that he held a diploma from the University of South Africa and an honorary degree, a false claim he repeats in this video.
The university has dismissed this as untrue. He also falsely claimed to have an honorary doctorate from the same institution, a claim the university publicly refuted yesterday, announcing that they would take legal action.
He is a false prophet who has made millions of dollars from brainwashed Zimbabweans. He even lied about discovering an AIDS cure and creating a lipstick that supposedly treats low blood pressure-related illnesses.
He gets away with it because he is in bed with the ruling ZANUPF elites, and many of his followers are too desperate for miracle financial interventions which he promises.
When the secret service suspects the possibility of a protest, he preaches to his large congregation that God has told him the economy will be fine soon to placate them.
He built a football stadium without toilets and yet the secret service let the President go and open it
This is Africa. It works for them, hence his ability to commit crimes without any consequences!