Is about Zimbabweans, not Geza

Zimbabwe journalist Hopewell Chin'ono
By Hopewell Chin’ono
What Mnangagwa and his minions, like Jenfan Muswere, fail to understand is that, for Zimbabweans, this is not about war veteran Blessed “Bombshell” Geza.
It is about the deep anger the majority of Zimbabweans feel towards corruption, which is all controlled from the President’s office.
Anyone who confronts the unfortunate reality of a corrupt president will be listened to.
Mnangagwa has completely wrecked Zimbabwe’s public institutions through corruption, so anyone who calls for his removal will be heard.
Bombshell is not being listened to because Zimbabweans suddenly have love and affection for General Chiwenga.
He is being listened to because he is proposing a solution and a plan to take on the person they associate with their suffering and misery.
That is why I have always said that if opposition politicians conquered their fear and stood up to the regime, they would prevail—not necessarily because they have great ideas, but because they would be taking on the person, character, and political party responsible for their misery.
Zimbabweans are not foolish to think that Bombshell has suddenly become a democrat.
They are rallying behind his call for Mnangagwa’s removal because of what Mnangagwa has done to the people of this beautiful but troubled country called Zimbabwe.
Mnangagwa has zero respect for Zimbabweans, which is why Zimbabweans also have zero respect for him—except for those feeding from his trough. It is that simple.
The fact that individuals like Bombshell, regardless of their own political leanings, are gaining traction in their calls for change highlights the desperation felt by many citizens.
People are eager for solutions to address the systemic issues plaguing Zimbabwe, even if it means aligning themselves with unlikely figures or proposals.
This sentiment also underscores the potential for opposition politicians to make significant strides in challenging the regime if they are willing to confront their fears and present viable alternatives.
It may not necessarily be the ideas themselves that resonate with the people, but rather the act of standing up to the source of their suffering that earns their support.
Ultimately, the lack of respect shown by Mnangagwa towards Zimbabweans has fostered a similar sentiment in return, with the exception of those who directly benefit from his corrupt practices like Jenfan and his ilk.
Hospitals have collapsed, unemployment is at 95%, inflation is the highest in the world, schools have no books, urban residents have no clean drinking water, roads are full of potholes, electricity is available for only four hours a day, supermarkets are shutting down, public transport does not exist, taxes are the highest in the region, passports are the most expensive in Southern Africa, and media freedoms have been withdrawn.
What is there not to like when someone says, “I can help you put an end to this”?
How does anyone sane ignore a call to put an end to their grinding pain?
Calls by Jenfan shows how disconnected this corrupt regime has become to the daily reality of Zimbabweans!
We know that the regime is pumping loads of money to social media influencers and fake news websites to distract the gullible to focus on sideshows, but that won’t work because you can only be distracted if you are living a decent life.
A man or woman who is hungry is focused on finding their next meal, paying losers money to create sideshows is a sign of derangement by Mnangagwa and his minions!
Propaganda doesn’t put food on people’s tables, ending corruption does.
Who is the author and Godfather of corruption in Zimbabwe Geza or Mnangagwa?
That is the question that Jenfan and his Lacoste thugs must answer to cure their ignorance about the situation!
They lit a fire with their 2030 nonsense, now they are asking citizens to ignore that fire when ignoring it means the citizens will also be burnt in the fire! How can that make sense at all?