Stupid Woman gangs up with boyfriend to assault husband

Shocked young girl, looking at camera with mouth wide open. Oh my god! Wow!


A HARARE man told the court that his wife was in the habit of threatening to commit suicide if he does not give her money to go and spoil her boyfriend.

Patrick Nyamana accused his wife Gladys Kupukai of ganging up with her boyfriend to insult and assault him.

“My wife insulted me saying that l am not a proper man who is unable to conceive and all the children are not mine, she also tell people that l am not good in bed,” he submitted.

“She is in a habit of coming with her boyfriend to insult calling me a poor man.”

Nyamana accused his wife for disrespecting him after he lost his job.

His estranged wife denied the allegations and counter accused him of the same charges of abuse.

Presiding magistrate Meenal Narotam warned the couple to refrain from verbally and physically abusing the each other.


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