Kerina Says: Ibbo Mandaza must ignore Chamisa’s bootlickers

Dr. Ibbo Mandaza


Ibbo Mandaza do not mind the abuse from these good for nothing Chamisa’s Varakashi pure emptyheads more than varakashi va EDiot. Chamisa’s educated cretins who are allergic to REALITY and TRUE discription of who the Sellout Chamisa is. What is the difference between Chamisa’s educated buffoons and EDiot’s Varakashi thugs?

The truth is EDiot’s varakashi support a deranged , evil , looting thug that was created by the Whites to turn against his own people whereas Chamisa’s educated cretins are responsible for creating a useless, busy body do no gooder of an incompetent and self centred Bible obsessed yet a Judas of our times called Nelson Chamisa. These educated cretins for Chamisa think they are better than Varakashi for ED yet they are worst. It is painful to argue with a fool in a suit and tie the sort of Chamisa’ bootlickers. Who is Chamisa not to be criticised?

A useless Chamisa for that matter. Vana Tshabangu, Mwonzora, Biti , Welshman, Hwende are better devils as they are out with their messed up politics as compared to the three Judas’ Chamisa, Thabani Mpofu and Ostallos alongside their Delilah Mahere who behind the scenes have sold out the struggle yet in the faces of the educated cretins who support Opposition appear to be the real deal. Muchati eke muchikuzirira ana dhimba ….the truth is Opposition is DEAD and the better you grasp that and wake up from your slumber.

Very soon Chamisa would start calling for a new political party and the foolish ones will be supporting him.

Stop abusing those calling out Chamisa for the damned sellout he is. On your bloody bikes you miserable Chamisa educated cretins. Kuti mutengesi ndokuti Nelson Chamisa. Go argue with your ancestors.

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