Regeje cheats death again as wheel flies off while driving

Engelbert Rugeje


Zanu PF politburo member, Rtd army general Engelbert Rugeje cheated death when one of the wheels of his car flew off while he was driving.

The Standard reports that sources said the car was prevented from overturning when it hit some rocks in Mt Pleasant after its front wheel came off, leaving the former army general terrified .

There have been attempts to cover up the accident, but sources in the ruling party yesterday confirmed that it happened. Rugeje sounded surprised when Standard People contacted him for a comment.

“Who gave you this information? Where did you get that,” Rugeje curtly said and refused to comment further.

Rugeje did not last long as Zanu PF political commissar and was removed in 2019. He was replaced by war veteran Victor Matematanda. Matematanda was later shunted to Mozambique as Zimbabwe’s ambassador and was replaced in 2021 by Mike Bimha. Standard

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