Mutsvangwa unwittingly praises Geza as a trained military field officer will mostly accurate intelligence

Chris Mutsvangwa


When Mnangagwa flies back, he’s stepping into a country whose ruling party now casts doubt on him as their leader– In a tell-all press conference, and on the same day the Women’s League’s Secretary suggested in vocalisations that Emmerson Mnangagwa is no longer president of Zimbabwe, ZANU PF Information Secretary Christopher Mutsvangwa used his gig to endorse the party’s rebellious Central Committee member Blessed Geza, as a trained military field officer possessing predominantly accurate intelligence.

The development marks Day 2 following a ZimEye exclusive broadcast that revealed Geza and his team are legitimate war veterans who in June 2023 revived the Liberators Platform.

Said Mutsvangwa, “What I can say is that some of intelligence which is being given is definitely wrong. He mentioned the other day that my son was in he was incarcerated by the President. It’s not true. I told you. I had an interview with you today. I know who was behind the incarceration of my son in a false incarceration in May last year.

“And I know why, why, the reasons why it was being done, the political reasons why it was being done, the President had nothing to do with it, and he had to come back and undo that thing, but undo it in a manner which did not arouse, you know, the anxieties that you may be interfering with the judiciary. So it had to be a long, drawn out affair. But me, my wife, who is the Minister Of Women Affairs, we know that the President had nothing to do with it. So bombshell is wrong. Comrade Bombshell (war name for Blessed Geza) is wrong to try to accuse the president.

“It’s not true. Rather, the people who are telling him to go on televisions are the ones who are behind the persecution of my son. So I must say I’m surprised – For a field combat officer, he normally has got very good intelligence, because he wouldn’t have survived the war as a guerilla fighter if his intelligence was fraught. I don’t know why he’s being misled by being given chicken feed. It’s in intelligence.;

“What he is being given is called chicken feed that my son was incarcerated by the President and that I should not have a relationship with the president because he incarcerated my son. It’s not true. I want to put it on record. You.“

Meanwhile, the Womens League secretary Mabel Chinomona appeared in an official ZANU PF video clip during the day in which he referred to Mnangagwa as a former president.

Mabel Chinomona who is President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s ex girlfriend, suggested he is no more president, as she said: “Tine, 10 provinces as I remember it, yakataura kuti inoda kuti vaMnangagwa vawedzere hutongi hwavo, kusvika 2030, meaning from 2028, pawedzerwe two years. Sei ma provinces ese, vakaona? Vanogutsikana nekutungamira kwava Mnangagwa, nema programs, nema projects, nezvese zvavakasimudza mukati menyika panguva yavo yavaitungamira.

ENGLISH: We have, as I remember it, 10 provinces who said they want Mnangagwa to extend his rule until 2030, meaning from 2028, an additional two years.Did all the provinces agree? The fact is they are satisfied with Mnangagwa’s leadership, the programs, the projects, and everything he developed in the country during the time he was in office.”

Meanwhile, Geza is on record announcing that Mnangagwa is not at all a fighter but a nationalist who has been tricking the masses since 1977, and below is how the Zvishavane man has been deceiving ZANU PF since 1977.

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