Chikurubi is not even fit for dogs habitation, Sikhala

INCARCERATED: Job Wiwa Sikhala


The fiery MDC Alliance vice chairperson, Job Sikhaka said an MDC government will close down Chikurubi and turn it into a Museum.

Sikhala has been detained at Chikurubi for more than four weeks described his previous incarceration centre as even unfit for dogs.

Sikhala was arrested and charged with inciting public violence after he rallied the citizenry to participate in foiled 31 July anti-government protests that were being organised by opposition Transform Zimbabwe leader Jacob Ngarivhume.

Wiwa, as Sikhala is affcetionately, is currently out on $50 000 bail. S

The Zengeza West legislator said:

The new order is going to close down this horrible and inhabitable infrastructure called Chikurubi Maximum Prison. We are going to make sure that Chikurubi is turned into a museum. It is not worth human habitation.

People inside are surviving on food not worth even fit to feed a dog. People there are starving. I have lost weight myself because of the diet I was getting inside.

Sikhala’s description of the prison matches that of award-winning journalist Hopewell Chin’ono with whom he shared prison cells.

The prison, like the rest of local prisons, is reported to be overpopulated when it lacks basic services including food, toilets and blankets.

Earlier this year, President Emmerson Mnangagwa extended a presidential pardon to many inmates in an endeavour to decongest prisons but the number has since ballooned again.

Health experts say local prisons are a health ticking time bomb particularly in the wake of the deadly and contagious coronavirus.

–New Zimbabwe.com

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