Sex and relationship expert shares punani power tips

WOMEN are in possession of a great asset called punani power.
These were the words of seduction and relationship expert Mandisa O Mahlobo-Ferro, famously known as Mom.
A chapter about punani power is featured in her second book, Bitchcraft.
Speaking to Daily Sun, Mom said a good poke doesn’t keep a man, but a punani does.
“We’re living in the 21st century and women need to stop the nonsense of being used as se_x objects and ordered like pizza,” said Mom.
“They need to use emotional intelligence to get what they want. They shouldn’t negotiate to be treated like a queen but should behave like a queen to be treated like one.”
She said punani power is not about se_x positions, but what women do after poking.
“Se_x doesn’t seal the relationship, especially when it’s still new. Punani power does if used correctly,” she said.
“We know men love se_x a lot. They think about it all the time, unlike women. They can have se_x with men but need to be smart and use seduction and counter strategies to secure their relationships.”
Mom shared some punani power tips including playing hard to get, leaving immediately after poking, not showing up to the next poking session and engaging in light conversation.
“Don’t show a man that you’re in love with him, even when you are.
“Don’t sound over-excited when he calls,” she said.
“Dress up after se_x. Ask if he enjoyed it and come up with an excuse to leave. Don’t do pillow talk.
“Show a man that it was just se_x and you had fun. Men feel challenged by this behaviour because that’s what they do to women.”
Mom said by behaving in this way, a man will want to keep you because they’re naturally territorial.
“Even if he didn’t love you, he will never want to lose you. Leave a man longing and wanting for more – he will work hard to keep you.”
She said relationships are a game and some women know how to play it well but are judged by society and given names such as slay queen.
— DailySun