Minister rewards side chick with a govt job, car and baby

SIDE CHICK: Vimbai Matsinde, the Minister's side kick
Minister of Environment, Tourism and Hospitality Industry Hon Nqobizitha Mangaliso Ndlovu allegedly abused his office by hiring his mistress Precious Vimbai Matsinde a recent graduate from the University of Zimbabwe.
The Minister lived up to the meaning of his middle name Mangaliso which means something surprising. Indeed he surprised everyone including himself, family and colleagues.

The Bulilima East legislator and recently elected Zanu PF Matabeleland Provincial Chairperson is alleged to have facilitated an attachment position for her concubine at his ministry last year.

Not only has the honourable Minister got his side chick pregnant, but pampered her with a blue VW car.
Vimbai flaunted the car on her social media account, but later took the post down after the identity of her powerful blesser got exposed, but that was too late. The media managed to capture the picture of her set of wheels before she took it down.
See picture below

Sensational details about the complications of the lass’s pregnancy have also split in the public domain. Zimbabwe Observer understands that the Minister and Vimbai’s mother connived to terminate the pregnancy without the consent of the father.
And the father was left shattered by the ugly development and is breathing hot air.
The Minister did not respond to questions sent to him.