I never loved Susan, but wanted information: Mliswa

LOVELESS: Temba Mliswa and Susani Mutami


Norton Member of Parliament, Temba Mliswa (Independent), says the sole reason why he got involved in a romantic relationship with Australian-based Zimbabwean health professional, Susan Mutami, was to get information from her.

Mliswa claims his estranged lover (Mutami) was being used by former State Security Minister Owen “Mudha” Ncube and he dated her to get information.

This comes as Mutami has made some sensational claims using her Twitter handle. She has accused President Emmerson Mnangagwa of abusing her before he was President and alleged that First Lady Auxillia Mnangagwa is corrupt.

Mutami has also claimed that she had a son with the late former Foreign Affairs minister Sibusiso Moyo who she said was murdered. Moyo succumbed to COVID-19 in January 2021.

Posting on Twitter, Mliswa urged his followers not to listen to Mutami, saying that her claims are fabricated. He wrote:

It’s unfortunate there are still people willing to listen and entertain @susan_mutami.

I said from the beginning that she was a project. The difference is that today she is a failed project after the removal of Mudha who was her handler.

My interest in her was information and I got it. When you are good to people they will give you information.

She was used by Mudha and he even used the CIO to allow her to go out of the country despite having given outrageous accusations that required investigations.

There are many such puppets who are controlled elsewhere and are only fronts. The other one is Elias Mambo also a project of Mudha. Now they are finished because Mudha is gone.

I have even written to the CIO DG about these issues. In a normal country, how can someone who accuses me of seeking to kill the President’s son be allowed to go out? No investigation, no nothing.

That shows she was a project. It’s a waste of time talking about her or following her stories because she is a nobody.

Most of her stories are just hogwash and are mere fodder for those with nothing to do and seeking release from whatever boredom they have.

If she can lie about having my twins when she doesn’t, what else can she not lie about? Food for thought.

I have more information than she thinks and knows.

Her fight with the First Lady is because she was able to pick up what kind of a person Susan is and refused to have her around the First Family. She is a nobody.

All she talks about is hogwash and is entertaining especially if one doesn’t have things to do.

Mutami also claims Mliswa sired “her twins” but has been refusing to provide for their upkeep.

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