Chief Nemangwe given 24-hr ultimatum to return villager’s cattle

The magistrate court in Gokwe has issued Chief Nemangwe with a 24 hour ultimatum to return three cattle he had grabbed from a villager.
The villager, Shepherd Chiwome was represented by advocates from the Zimbabwe Lawyers for Human Rights (ZLHR) who confirmed the development.
“In Gokwe, we have ensured that Shepherd Chiwome, a villager, has regained ownership of his cattle, which had been unlawfully dispossessed from him by Chief Nemangwe & his former in-laws, with a Magistrate ordering the Chief to return his 3 cows within 24 hours,” posted ZLHR.
According to the lawyers Chiwome desperately needed to utilise as draught power during the ongoing farming season.
“In court, Chinopfukutwa protested & argued that Chiwome’s former in-laws & Chief Nemangwe had resorted to self-help when they confiscated his cattle.
“Now, Chiwome is a relieved man as he can utilise his cattle to cultivate his fields & carry out other domestic chores,” noted his lawyers.