Chamisa sparks discord as Biti and Ncube removed from vital CCC WhatsApp Group

KICKED-OUT: Welshman Ncube


In a surprising turn of events, Nelson Chamisa, one of the leaders of the Citizens for Change Coalition (CCC), has raised eyebrows by instructing the removal of his long-time allies, Tendai Biti and Welshman Ncube, from the crucial WhatsApp group known as “Mugwazo.” This move has left many within the party questioning Chamisa’s leadership and intentions.

THROWN-OUT: Tendai Biti

The Mugwazo group, initially formed to coordinate the mobilisation of rural voters ahead of the 23rd August 2023 elections, continued to function as a central hub for CCC coordination and internal discussions post-elections. It is from this platform that Chamisa decided to oust Biti and Ncube, two senior members who had been instrumental in the party’s foundation.

Critics argue that Chamisa’s decision to remove Biti and Ncube from this pivotal platform is a betrayal of trust and a testament to his unquenchable thirst for power. This action reflects a lack of respect and transparency within the party’s leadership.

Chamisa’s alleged history of betrayals doesn’t stop at Biti and Ncube. Job Sikhala, another prominent CCC member, was allegedly abandoned by Chamisa after being encouraged to incite violence during a previous period of political turmoil. When Sikhala faced legal consequences for his actions, Chamisa purportedly distanced himself, leaving Sikhala and his family to deal with the aftermath.

This pattern of behaviour has led some to label Chamisa as a heartless and self-centred leader, prioritising his own political survival over the welfare of his colleagues and the party’s unity.

The internal strife within the CCC has raised concerns about the party’s stability and unity. Biti, Ncube, and Sikhala, all founding members of the CCC and its predecessor, the MDC, have a history of forming their own political parties when disagreements arise. This has led to speculation that the CCC may be on the verge of a split, with the trio potentially pursuing their individual political agendas.

What adds to the bitterness of the situation is that Biti, Ncube, and Sikhala are seen as mentors who nurtured Chamisa’s political career. Their disillusionment at his recent actions has left many scratching their heads at the apparent betrayal.

Furthermore, Amos Chibaya, the CCC National Organising Secretary and a long-time friend of the trio, has been accused of collaborating with Chamisa to push them aside. Chibaya’s role as a trusted confidant of Chamisa has led some to view him as a personal weapon wielded by the leader to eliminate perceived threats within the party.

This internal discord within the CCC comes at a time when ZANU PF is gaining strength as recent by-elections saw ZANU PF making significant inroads into CCC strongholds, winning seven out of nine possible constituencies. ZANU PF legislators from other provinces actively supported their party’s candidates outside their respective regions, demonstrating a unified front that has attracted attention.

ZANU PF’s professionalism, unity, and clear policies have lured several opposition members, exacerbating the CCC’s woes. With the CCC facing internal strife and a resurgent ZANU PF, the political landscape in Zimbabwe remains uncertain, and the future of the CCC hangs in the balance.

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